Balticon 2019: My Schedule

I’m delighted to have been invited to participate on programming at Balticon this year. I’m participating in 4 panels, 2 of which I’ll be moderating. I’ll also be participating in my very first reading at a con! I’m quite excited. I’m not sure what I’m going to read, seeing as I’m sharing the slot between three of us. 15 minutes or so is not a lot of time, but I’m going to take a look at a few stories and see which one reads best in that tiny timeframe.

Friday, May 24th

  • 6 pm: Self-Care for Creatives (moderating)

Saturday, May 25th

  • 11 am: How to Present Your Genre Work in a Non-Genre Community (moderating)
  • 1 pm: Reading
  • 2 pm: Cyberpunk Remastered
  • 6 pm: Classical Mythology in Modern Works

Should be a fantastic time! Come and find me at the con anytime. I’ll be the person with short red hair likely wearing a face mask. I’m severely immunocompromised and need to be careful with my health and exposure to germs, so hit me up for hand sanitizer and don’t be afraid to say hello! I know it’s weird and hard to get a read on someone wearing a mask – those cues of smiles and facial reactions are gone. But trust me, as an extrovert that really misses having social connections with people, I would love to say hi from behind my awesome mask.


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